Thursday, February 6, 2025

Quyết Tiến in poster size

OooOO, just got back from Trại Huấn Luyện Huynh Trưởng Damas VII Cấp I. So crowded (84 samạc sinh), so tired, but so much fun. Anyway, I got here a pic of our Chủ Tịch Miền Đông Bắc holding up the new painting.

It’s a gift for all the Trợ Tá Đoàn Tôma Thiện East Boston who spend so much time to cook for us. Thank you!


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  • Cha Vũ

    Hàm Tiêu ơi, Nếu con vễ được Chúa Giêsu Việt Nam với khăn quàng Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể thì tốt biết mấy… Chúa Giêsu với Khuôn mặt Việt Nam

  • Hàn Tiêu

    Được mà Cha Vũ, con sẽ cố gắng cho Cha coi hen…

  • con o vn hien nay con dang viet sach de truyen giao ung ho nha tho` cua con .nhung hien nay tai lieu rat ich

  • mong cha giup on cha.huynh truong :hoang phuc

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Please contact us for any type of artistic services. We speciallize in all different type of classical and tradition painting (oil, acrylic, and watercolor), graphic design, web design, sculpture and digital imaging. A portion of the earnings will go toward TNTT.

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Please contact us for any type of artistic services. We speciallize in all different type of classical and tradition painting (oil, acrylic, and watercolor), graphic design, web design, sculpture and digital imaging. A portion of the earnings will go toward TNTT.
